AMIS Culture Club: Vagrants, Vagabonds, Immorals
Screening of the documentary 'Vagrants, Vagabonds, Immorals' (23 minutes)
Director: Nina Tedesco, Paulo Cruz Terra
Script: Nina Tedesco, Paulo Cruz Terra
What are the meanings of vagrancy throughout Brazilian history, at least since Abolition? Who was considered a vagrant? What are the possibilities of resistance to attempts at criminalization? Trying to answer these questions through the intersectionality of class, gender, race and sexualities, the film dialogues with four women activists: Neusa Maria Pereira, journalist and one of the founders of the Movimento Negro Unificado; Shirley Krenak, Indigenous activist of the Krenak people; Jovanna Baby, founder of the organized movement of transgender people in Brazil; and Nataraj Trinta, historian and organizer of the Slut Walk in Rio de Janeiro.
The film focuses on the dictatorship period (1964-1985) but addresses the connection between the early 20th century and the present.
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