Immigration, Integration and Multiculturalism – Canadian and Danish Perspectives
Seminar: H. E. Ms Emi Furuya (Canadian Ambassador to the Kingdom of Denmark), Nils Holtug (Director of the University of Copenhagen’s Centre for Advanced Migration Studies, AMIS) and Andrew Griffith (author, commentator and former Director General of Citizenship and Multiculturalism, Government of Canada).
Reception: The seminar will be followed by a reception to mark the opening of the PHOTO EXHIBITION CANADA: DAY 1. The exhibition explores the multifaceted experiences of newcomers on their first day of arrival in Canada, spanning from Confederation to the present day.
14:00-14:05: Welcoming remarks by H. E. Ms Emi Furuya, Canadian Ambassador to the Kingdom of Denmark
14:05-14:20: Nils Holtug, AMIS
14:20-15:00: Andrew Griffith, former Director General of Citizenship and Multiculturalism, Government of Canada
15:00-15:30: Q&A
15:30-16:30: Reception to open the photo exhibition Canada: Day 1. Canadian wine and canapes will be served.