Lecture 2: Travelling concepts: a debate on the meanings of post-slavery
Roundtable debate in the SlaFMig /AMIS lecture series with prof. Alice Bellagamba, University of Milan-Bicocca, prof. Dr. Baz Lecocq, Humboldt University Berlin, and prof. Dr. Felicitas Becker, Ghent University, moderated by associate prof. Lotte Pelckmans, University of Copenhagen (AMIS).
While quite in vogue and often used, the precise uses and meanings of the concept of post-slavery do not always seem very clear-cut.
In this roundtable, we will open the debate on this travelling concept, which seems to also have gained traction in different analytical ways and definitional forms while travelling from the US south, over South America, to Europe and Africa.
The focus in the debate will be on the meanings of post-slavery for the African continent, and with explicit focus on West Africa, but the debate will branch out beyond that continental focus.
The SlaFMig/AMIS lecture series is a series of events that is a collaboration between the SlaFMig project and the Centre for Advanced Migration Studies.
The series, organised by Lotte Pelckmans, proposes interventions and debates on topical issues dealing with the crossroads between slavery and (forced) migration. Any suggestions are welcome: pelckmans@hum.ku.dk.