17 November 2014

AMIS post doc Martin Lemberg-Pedersen interviewed by Radio24syv (in Danish)

AMIS affiliate Martin Lemberg-Pedersen has been interviewed to two Morning Features for Radio24syv. The first interview, on October 30th, concerned the Danish debate whether the rise and fall of Syrian refugees arriving in Denmark was caused by the Danish government's attempts to launch more restrictive policies. Lemberg-Pedersen explained that such internal Danish political developments only have a marginal impact, at most, and that seasonal migration patterns, and larger regional dynamics are much more likely to cause migratory fluctuations in refugee flows. The interview starts at 8:51 in the programme. 

Hear the first interview.

The second interview, on November 10th, concerned the dynamics of so-called human smuggling, and here Lemberg-Pedersen explained how the increasing European focus on "combatting illegal migration" has generated a boost for the smuggling industry, as the need for escape routes are on the rise due to conflicts in Syria, Eritrea, Libya and Iraq, while legal migration routes have been closed down. The outcome is that many smuggling networks have become more cynical, and that the increased border control thus paradoxically have led to the boost of the irregular smuggling industry. The interview starts at 8:27 in the programme.

Hear the second interview.