
- at the Faculty of Humanities

Name Title Phone E-mail
Andersen, Peter Birkelund Associate Professor E-mail
Bone, Martyn Richard Associate Professor +4535328596 E-mail
Brox, Trine Associate Professor - Promotion Programme +4551302965 E-mail
Brudholm, Thomas Associate Professor - Promotion Programme E-mail
Damsholt, Tine Professor +4551298920 E-mail
Damsholt, Inger Vinther Head of Studies +4535333093 E-mail
Engelhardt, Juliane Associate Professor +4535328483 E-mail
Eriksen, Sidsel Associate Professor +4551299556 E-mail
Fejfer, Jane Associate Professor +4551298916 E-mail
Gellert, Anna Steenberg Senior Researcher +4535328166 E-mail
Hansen, Anne Mette Associate Professor +4535328713 E-mail
Helmke, Christophe Associate Professor +4551302945 E-mail
Henningsen, Anne Folke Associate Professor +4551299011 E-mail
Hernández-Flores, Nieves Associate Professor +4535328441 E-mail
Hjarvard, Stig Professor +4535328113 E-mail
Holtug, Nils Professor +4535328881 E-mail
Jacobsen, Brian Arly Associate Professor +4551302481 E-mail
Johansen, Birgitte Schepelern Associate Professor +4551302570 E-mail
Karrebæk, Martha Sif Professor +4535329400 E-mail
Kaur, Ravinder Professor +4553633421 E-mail
Kroonen, Guus Professor with special responsibilities +4535328370 E-mail
Lassen, Annette Associate Professor - Promotion Programme +4535328491 E-mail
Lausten, Pia Schwarz Associate Professor +4535328461 E-mail
Leese, Peter Associate Professor +4535328414 E-mail
Lock, Charles Professor +4535328622 E-mail
Michelsen, Anders Ib Associate Professor E-mail
Møller, Janus Spindler Associate Professor +4535335742 E-mail
Nielsen, Michael Lerche Associate Professor +4535328566 E-mail
Nielsen, Morten Ebbe Juul Associate Professor +4535328922 E-mail
Nielsen, Niels Jul Associate Professor +4551299095 E-mail
Odgaard Jakobsen, Cecilie Part-time Lecturer +4535334866 E-mail
Olden-Jørgensen, Sebastian Associate Professor +4551299653 E-mail
Pedersen, Solveig Gunvor Part-time Lecturer E-mail
Pelt, Mogens Associate Professor +4551299521 E-mail
Petersen, Anne Ring Professor +4535328202 E-mail
Quist, Pia Professor +4535328513 E-mail
Sandberg, Marie Associate Professor - Promotion Programme +4551299017 E-mail
Sandberg, Anna Lena Associate Professor - Promotion Programme +4535328156 E-mail
Sandbye, Mette Professor +4535328230 E-mail
Sejersen, Frank Associate Professor - Promotion Programme +4540186167 E-mail
Simonsen, Gunvor Associate Professor - Promotion Programme +4551299335 E-mail
Thomsen, Christian Ammitzbøll Associate Professor +4521179817 E-mail
Vacher, Mark Associate Professor +4551298578 E-mail
Whyte, Zachary Associate Professor E-mail
Winther-Jacobsen, Kristina Associate Professor E-mail
Øland, Trine Associate Professor +4535328889 E-mail