

Frederiksen, M. D., & Ulfstjerne, M. A. Slightly Disappointing Ruins and the Facades of Tourist Imagery. Future Anterior, 19(2)

Hirslund, D., & Ulfstjerne, M. A. ’Kan man måle Social Forandring’ Artikel i Science Report om filantropiske fondes udfordringer omkring effektmåling (02.04.2024)

Horton, E. P., & Whyte, Z. (2024). “You are too expensive, you need to work faster!”: Ukrainian agricultural workers navigating precarities in Denmark. International Migration 

Kohl, K. S., Shapiro, D., & Sandberg, M. (2024). Flygtninge på Grænsen til Velfærdsstaten. Altinget Social

Krag, M. M. S. & Ulfstjerne, M. A ’Styret Forfald: Forladt Lægehus samler By’ Artikel i Arkitekten omkring udfordringer og løsninger i danske yderområder (06.2024)

Pelckmans, L. (Content producer). (2024). Ganbanaaxun Fedde: en filmvisning: om litteratur og analfabetisme. Sound/Visual production (digital)

Pelckmans, L. & M. Rodet (eds) E-motions: A history of unrecorded female rural displacements in post-slavery Africa. Introduction to Special issue on ‘E-motions’, for the Journal of Migration History (10): 301-318. (special issue

Sandberg, M., Kohl, K. S., & Shapiro, D. (2024). BOUNDARY WORK: Nye grænseflader mellem stat, civilsamfund og flygtninge i en selvforsørgelses- og hjemrejsekontekst. (pp. 1-12). Københavns Universitet.

Shapiro, D., Kohl,K. S, Jørgensen, R. E. & Sandberg, M. 2024: Boundary obstacles in social innovation: refugees, volunteers, and caseworkers navigating Denmark’s paradoxical borderscape, Migration Studies, Volume 12, Issue 4, December 2024, mnae043 

Ulfstjerne, M. A. ’Uenighed er vigtigt’ Artikel i Arkitekten omkring ekskluderende byrumsdesign (05.04.2024)


2023. ’Can I get a Roof over my head, please’. Interview. Archdaily.

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Aoussar, A.Y., Stallknecht, A. E., & Solvang, J. N. Fra Belfast til Barcelona: Nationalismens nye ansigt i Europa. 2022. Magasinet Europa.

Kohl, K. S. (Content producer), Sandberg, M. (Content producer), & Bayraktar, M. D. (Content producer). (2023). Den Store Modtagelse. Sound/Visual production (digital), AMIS Center for Advanced Migration Studies, Københavns Universitet.

Kohl, K. S. (2023). Bådflygtninge. In : Den Store Danske

Kohl, K. S. (2023). De Fastlåste: (De)motiverende samtaler med afviste i udrejsecentre. In M. Rytter, S-L. J. Mortensen, S. Bregnbæk, & Z. Whyte (Eds.), Paradigmeskiftets Konsekvenser: Flygtninge, Stat og Civilsamfund Aarhus Universitetsforlag.

Kohl, K.S. (2023). Disturbing Intimacies: The Pathopolitical Governance of Mixed-Status Families in Times of Return. Nordic Journal of Migration Research, 13(4): 4, pp. 1–18.

Kohl, K. S. (2023). Fem dilemmaer former mødet mellem kommunerne og borgere med handicapHandicap - Nyt2023(1).

Kohl, K. S., & Kjærum, M. (2023). Flygtning. In Den Store Danske

Kohl, K. S., Sandberg, M., Jørgensen, R. E., & Shapiro, D. (2023). Frivillighedens grænsearbejde: Hvordan paradigmeskiftet udfordrer den frivillige sociale indsats på flygtningeområdet. In M. Rytter, S-L. J. Mortensen, S. Bregnbæk, & Z. Whyte (Eds.), Paradigmeskiftets konsekvenser : Flygtninge, stat og civilsamfund (pp. 325-350). Aarhus Universitetsforlag.

Kublitz, A., & Ulfstjerne, M. A. 2023. Optimism at the End of the World. Anthropological Quarterly96(3), 515-547.

Lecocq, B., & L. Pelckmans (2023) Post-Slavery. Entry in: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African History

Nielsen, N. J., & Sandberg, M. (2023). Denmark entry. In T. M. Wilson (Ed.), Europe - an Encyclopedia of Culture and Society ABC-CLIO.

Pelckmans, L. (2023). Researching the Aftermath of Slavery in Mainland East Africa: Methodological, Ethical, and Practical ChallengesSlavery and Abolition44(1), 131-156.

Rytter, M., Mortensen, S-L., Bregnbæk, S., & Whyte, Z. (2023). Introduktion: Paradigmeskiftets og dets konsekvenser. In Paradigmeskiftets konsekvenser: Flygtninge, stat og civilsamfund (pp. 9-38)

Sandberg, M. (2023). Cou/rage! On Permanent Temporariness and the Precarization of AcademiaZeitschrift für Empirische KulturwissenschaftVol. 119(1), 114-118.

Sandberg, M. (2023). Olga Tokarczuk, House of Day, House of Night. Reading from the border in the German-Polish borderlands. In U. Marzolph (Ed.), Reading Matters: An Unfestschrift for Regina Bendix Göttingen University Press.

Sandberg, M. (2023, Feb 1). Grænse: Den Store Danske/ Den Store Danske Encyklopædi/

Shapiro, D. (2023). Flugt og forældreskab: Overgange som betingelser for omsorg efter syriske flygtninges ankomst til Danmark. Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift.

Shapiro, D., & Jørgensen, R. P. E. (2023). Engang flygtning, altid flygtning? Hyperprekære integrationsprocesser mellem politik og praksis. In M. Rytter (Ed.), Paradigmeskiftets konsekvenser : Flygtninge, stat og civilsamfund Aarhus Universitetsforlag.

Shapiro, D., & Jørgensen, R. P. E. (2023). Folkekøkkenet som integrationsprojekt: Sammensat og ambivalent omsorg i civilsamfundets sociale arbejde. In Mørck (Ed.), Fællesskabende praksisser Frydenlund Academic.

Skovgaard, M., & Aoussar, A. Y. (2023). Oprørets ende. Jordens Folk57(1), 23-35.

Ulfstjerne, M.A. 2023. “Waiting time in the Meanplace”, in Adeline Masquelier and Deborah Durham (eds.) In the Meantime: Toward an Anthropology of the Possible”. Berghahn Books: Oxford

Vammen, I. M. S., & Kohl, K. S. (2023). Affective borderwork: Governance of Unwanted Migration to Europe through EmotionsJournal of Borderlands Studies38(6), 919-938.

Whyte, Z., & Kohl, K. S. (2023). Mad, Magt og Modstand i Asylsystemet. In M. Rytter, S-L. J. Mortensen, S. Bregnbæk, & Z. Whyte (Eds.), Paradigmeskiftets konsekvenser: Flygtninge, stat og civilsamfund (pp. 215-235). Aarhus Universitetsforlag.

Whyte, Z., Rytter, M., Bregnbæk, S., & Mortensen, S-L. (Eds.) (2023). Paradigmeskiftets konsekvenser - Flygtninge, stat og civilsamfund. Aarhus Universitetsforlag.


Becker, F., S. Nyanto, J. Giblin, A. McDougall, A. Meckelburg and L. Pelckmans (2022) Researching the Aftermath of Slavery in Mainland East Africa: Methodological, Ethical, and Practical Challenges, Slavery & Abolition, 44:1, 131-156.

Giansanti, E., Lindberg, A., and Joormann, M. (2022). The status of homelessness: Access to housing for asylum-seeking migrants as an instrument of migration control in Italy and Sweden. Critical Social Policy

Kohl, K. S. (2022). The Stalemate: motivational interviewing at a carceral junction. Incarceration - An international journal of imprisonment, detention and coercive confinement , 3(1). 

Mollerup, N. G., & Sandberg, M. (2022). ‘Fast trusting’ – Practices of trust during irregularised journeys to and through Europe. In V. Galis, M. Bak Jørgensen, & M. Sandberg (Eds.), The migration mobile: border dissidence, sociotechnical resistance and the construction of irregularised migrants (pp. 143-162). Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. Challenging Migration Series No. 11 

Mollerup, N. G. (2022). The Vertiginous: Temporalities and Affects of Social Vertigo: Grounding. Anthropological Theory Commons

Mollerup, N. G. (Accepted/In press). Review of Migrant Dreams: Egyptian Workers In The Gulf States by Samuli Schielke, Cairo, University of Cairo Press, 2020, 154 pp., £16,95 (paperback), ISBN 9789774169564. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 28(2).

Pelckmans, L, Stille, S. & Gaibazzi, P 2022, Recommendations on the Issue of Descent-Based Slavery in West Africa. Conference proceedings from Point Sud meeting in December 2021 in Bamako.

Sandberg, M., Bak Jørgensen, M., & Galis, V. (2022). The migration mobile: border dissidence, sociotechnical resistance and the construction of irregularised migrants. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. Challenging Migration Series Vol. 11

Sandberg, M. (2022). From Gatekeepers to Caretakers. The Often-Overlooked Role of Editors’ Care Work in Peer-Reviewed Publishing: This essay is part of the series PoLAR Online Emergent Conversation on Peer Review as Intellectual Accompaniment. Political and Legal Anthropological Review, 45(1). 

Vammen, I. M. S., & Kohl, K. S. (2022). Affective borderwork: Governance of Unwanted Migration to Europe through Emotions. Journal of Borderlands Studies.

Whyte, Z., & Ulfstjerne, M. A. (2022, May 4). Eksperter: Midlertidige boliger til flygtninge kan være dårligt nyt for både kommuner og integrationen

Whyte, Z. (2022). Automation, Biocrats, and Imaginaries in Biometric Border Worlds: A Commentary. Ethnos. Journal of Anthropology, 87(2), 338-346. 

Whyte, Z. (2022). Hoping For Zero: Danish Externalization Plans to Rwanda and a Politics of Deterrence

Whyte, Z., & Turner, S. (2022). Introduction: Refugee camps as carceral junctions. Incarceration - An international journal of imprisonment, detention and coercive confinement


Abdelhady, D, Joormann, M & Gren, N 2021, '‘Welcoming’ European welfare states are forcing refugees through mazes of harmful rules' The Conversation.>

Anders Baggesgaard, M. & Pelckmans, L. 2021: Introduction, Esclavages & Post-esclavages. Vol. 4. Paris: Centre national de la recherche scientifique

Andersen, D. & Sandberg, Marie, 13 okt. 2021: “How to Hatch the Wings of a Mockingbird: A Comment on the EU’s New Migration and Asylum Pact and the Risk of Destroying Civil Society Engagement in Refugee Relief Work Internally to the EU Memberstates Journal of Borderlands Studies.

Bendixsen, S. & Sandberg, Marie, 12 Jul. 2021: “The temporality of humanitarianism. Provincializing everyday volunteer practices at European bordersIntersections East European Journal of Society and Politics. 7, 2, s. 13-31 18 s., 1. DOI:

Camara, B., Durst-Lee, L., Pelckmans, L. & Rodet, M. 2021: The fight against descent-based slavery in MaliAfrica is a country. 

Fynbo, L., Kohl, K. S., Hansen, N. N., & Jensen, K. H. 2021Screening af rusmiddelbehandling til de mest udsatte unge: Kvalitativ undersøgelse af, hvordan MOVE-manualen kan tilpasses unge med samtidigt stofmisbrug, psykisk lidelse og/eller alvorlige sociale problemstillinger. 

Giansanti, E, Lindberg, A & Joormann, M 2021 (accepted for publication), 'The Status of Homelessness: Access to housing for asylum-seeking migrants as an instrument of migration control in Italy and Sweden', Critical Social Policy

Kohl, K. S., Amilon, A., & Olsen, L. 2021. Trust and mistrust in public services for people with disabilities. Analysing the gap between the perspectives of caseworkers and disabled people in Denmark. British Journal of Social Work

Kohl, K. S., & Vammen, I. M. S. 2021. Europa spiller på følelserne i kampen mod irregulær migration: Kan migranter og flygtninge skræmmes eller udskammes til at blive væk eller tage hjem? 

Kohl, K. S. 2021. Making a familial care worker: the gendered exclusion of asylum-seeking women in Denmark. Gender, Place and Culture, 28(10), 757-778. 

Kohl, K. S. Accepted/In press. The Stalemate: motivational interviewing at a carceral junction. Incarceration - An international journal of imprisonment, detention and coercive confinement.

Kohl, K. S., Mikkelsen, C. H., & Schauser, A. M. 2021. Inddragelse og tillid i mødet mellem kommunerne og borgere med handicap: En gap-analyse for Det Centrale Handicapråd. 

Kohl, K. S. 2021. Læringsmiljøer i danske børnefamilier. Det Gode Børneliv: Fag- og Medlemsblad fra LDD

Lemberg-Pedersen, M, Whyte, Z & Chemlali, A. 2021: Denmark’s new externalisation law: motives and consequences. Forced Migration Review 68: 36-39. 

Mortensen, M. & Mollerup, N.G. 2021: The Omran Daqneesh imagery from the streets of Aleppo to international front pages: Testimony, politics and emotions, Global Media and Communication, online first. DOI: 10.1177/17427665211021617

Pelckmans, L. 2021: Récits cinétiques : le déplacement comme récit de contestation des wahayu, concubines de statut servile dans les régions frontalières du Niger et du Nigeria, Esclavages & Post-esclavages. Vol. 4. Paris: Centre national de la recherche scientifique,

Pelckmans, L., Rodet, M., Camara, B. & Durst-Lee, L. 2021: Mali fails to face up to the persistence of slavery, The conversation

Pelckmans, L. & Rodet, M. 2021: Pourquoi l'esclavage par ascendance subsite encore au Mali?, The conversation

Pelckmans, L. 2021: Post-Slavery and the Invisibility of Female (E)motions in Migration, Displacement and Refugee Studies, AMMODI

Pelckmans, L., Rodet, M. et al. 2021: Newsletter #2, Slavery and Forced Migration in Western Mali. 

Pelckmans, L., Rodet, M. et al. 2021: Newsletter #3, Slavery and Forced Migration in Western Mali

 Pelckmans, L., Rodet, M. et al. 2021: Newsletter #4, Slavery and Forced Migration in Western Mali

Rodet, M., Camara, B. Deleigne, M-Ch. & Pelckmans, L. 2021: Under the Radar. Descent-based Slavery as a Form of Contemporary Slavery, The Republic. 

Sandberg, Marie, Rossi, Luca, Galis, Vasilis and Martin Bak Jørgensen (eds.): Research methodologies and ethical challenges in digital migration studies: Caring for (big) data. Palgrave Macmillan, 2021.

Sandberg, Marie & Luca Rossi 2021: “Caring for (big) data: An introduction to research methodologies and ethical challenges in digital migration studies”, in: Sandberg, Marie, Rossi, Luca, Galis, Vasilis and Martin Bak Jørgensen (eds.): Research methodologies and ethical challenges in digital migration studies: Caring for (big) data. Palgrave Macmillan, 2021.

Sandberg, Marie, Nina Grønlykke Mollerup og L Rossi 2021: “Contrapuntal connectedness: Analysing relations between social media data and ethnography in digital migration studies”. In: Sandberg, Marie, Rossi, Luca, Galis, Vasilis and Martin Bak Jørgensen (eds.): Research methodologies and ethical challenges in digital migration studies: Caring for (big) data. Palgrave Macmillan, 2021.

Sandberg, Marie, 1 maj 2021: “Borderless worlds for whom? Ethics, moralities and mobilities: Book review of 1st ed.”, edited by Anssi Paasi, Eeva-Kaisa Prokkola, Jarkko Saarinen and Kaj Zimmerbauer, Abingdon, Oxon, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2019. 238 p., including index. ISBN 978-0-815-36002-5, Space and Polity. 25, 1, s. 156-160 5 s., 10.

Selberg, N & Joormann, M 2021, 'In Memoriam Reza Banakar 1959-2020', Retfærd: Nordisk juridisk tidsskrift, vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 9-11.

Turner, Simon (2021) Times of Violence: The Shifting Temporalities of Long-Term Ethnographic Engagement with Burundi in Conflict and Society 7:1, 143-159

Turner, S. & Berckmoes, L. H. 2021: Pursuing futures through children: Crisis, social reproduction and transformation in Burundi’s transnational families, Migration Studies No page nr. web. DOI.


Amit, I. & Lindberg, A. 2020: Performing states of crisis: exploring migration detention in Israel and Denmark. In Patterns of Prejudice, 54:3, 238-257. DOI.

Bjarnesen, J. & Turner, S. (eds). 2020: Invisibility in African displacements: From structural marginalization to strategies of avoidance. Zed Books.

Bjarnesen, J. & Turner, S. 2020: Introduction: the production of invisibility in African displacements. In Bjarnesen, J. & Turner, S. (eds) Invisibility in African displacements: From structural marginalization to strategies of avoidance. Zed Books. 1-17

Blaagaard, B. & Mollerup, N.G. 2020: On political street art as expressions of citizen media in revolutionary Egypt. In International Journal of Cultural Studies. Online before print. DOI.

Borrelli, L. M. & Lindberg, A. 2020: Paperwork performances: Legitimating state violence in the Swedish deportation regime. In Journal of Legal Anthropology, (3, 2): 50-69. DOI.

Eule, T. & Lindberg, A. 2020: Organisational ethnography as a project of unease. In Journal of Organizational Ethnography (9.2): 237-247. DOI.

Häyhtiö, S., Lindberg, A., Lundberg, A. & Rundqvist, E. 2020: Frihetsberövade människor i coronakrisen.

Kohl, K.S. 2020: Ambiguous Encounters: Revisiting Foucault and Goffman at an Activation Program for Asylumseekers. In Refugee Survey Quarterly (39, 2): p. 177-206. DOI.

Lindberg, A. 2020: Minimum Rights Policies Targeting People Seeking Protection in Denmark and Sweden. In Abdelhady, D., Gren, N. & Joormann, M. (eds.), Refugees and the Violence of European Welfare Bureaucracies. In press with Manchester University Press.

Lindberg, A. 2020: In the Best Interest of Whom? Professional Humanitarians and Selfie Samaritans in the Danish Asylum Industry. In McGuirk, S. and A. Pine (Eds.). Profit, Protest, and the Asylum Industry. In press with PM Press.

Ledstrup, M. 2020: After Precarity: a geography of dark news and digital hope on the island of Lolland. In Cultural Geographies. No page nr. web. DOI.

Lemberg-Pedersen, M. & Haioty, E.H.M. 2020: Re-assembling the surveillable refugee body in the era of data-craving. In Citizenship Studies, vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 607-624. DOI.

Lemberg-Pedersen, M. & Rübner Hansen, J. 2020: Profit and Protection on EU markets for border control: Submission to the The Working Group on the use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and impeding the exercise of the rights of peoples to self-determination, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner.

Lemberg-Pedersen, M 2020, 'The humanitarianization of child deportation politics'. In Journal of Borderlands Studies. Published online. DOI.

Lemberg-Pedersen, M, Rübner Hansen, J. & Joel Halpern, O. 2020: The Political Economy of Entry Governance. Aalborg University.

Mollerup, N.G. & Mortensen, M. 2020: Proximity and Distance in the Mediation of Suffering: Local Photographers in War-Torn Aleppo and the International Media Circuit. In Journalism, vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 729–745. DOI.

Mollerup, N.G. 2020: Citizen Media and Anthropology. In Baker, M., Blaagaard, B., Jones, H. & Pérez-González, L. (eds), Routledge Encyclopedia of Citizen Media. Routledge. DOI.

Mollerup, N.G. 2020: Perilous navigation: Knowledge-making with and without digital practices during irregularized migration to Öresund. In Social Analysis: The International Journal of Anthropology, vol. 64, no. 3, pp. 95-112. DOI.

Mollerup, N.G. 2020: What violent conflict tells us about media and place-making (and vice versa): Ethnographic observations from a revolutionary uprising. In Budka, P. & Bräuchler, B. (eds), Theorising Media and Conflict. 1 ed, vol. Berghahn Series Anthropology of Media, Berghahn Books, New York & Oxford, Anthropology of Media, vol. 8, pp. 181-195.

Mortensen, M. & Mollerup, N.G. 2020: The Omran Daqneesh Imagery from the Streets of Aleppo to International Frontpages: Political Contestation, Documentary Value and Emotional Appeal. In Global Media and Communication. (Accepted, not yet published).

Pelckmans, L. 2020: Fugitive emplacements: mobility as discontent by wahaya concubine women with slave status in the transnational borderlands of Niger–Nigeria, 1960–2016. Chapter 12 in Turner, S. & Bjarnesen, J. (eds). Invisibility in African displacements in Africa: from structural marginalization to strategies of avoidance. Africa Now, Zed Books.

Pelckmans, L. 2020: Fugitive Narratives: conflicting authorships of ‘slave’ testimonies in court. In Slavery, Authorship and Literary Culture: 3rd volume of the ‘Comparative Literary History of Modern Slavery’. John Benjamins Publishing Company.

Pelckmans, L., Camara, B. & Rodet, M. 2020: Mali fails to face up to the persistence of slavery, the Conversation No page nr. web. DOI.

Pelckmans, L., Ward, E. & Deridder, M. (2020): Reversing the gaze: West Africa performing the EU migration-development-security nexus. In Anthropologie & développement vol. 51, pp. 9-32. DOI.

Pelckmans, L. & Deridder, M. (eds) 2020: Perspectives ouest-africaines sur les politiques migratoires et sécuritaires européennes. (West African engagements with the EU migration-development-security nexus.) In 'Anthropologie et Développement, vol. 51. DOI.

Sandberg, M. 2020: Øresundsfolden. Et essay om grænsens kompleksitet og dødelighed. in M Idvall, A Palmehag & J Wesmann (eds). In Checkpoint 2020: Mennesker, grænser og visioner i Øresundsbriens tid. Halmstad, Centrum för Öresundsstudier, pp. 35-46.

Sandberg, M. 2020: Retrospective ethnographies: Twisting moments of researching commemorative practices among volunteers after the refugee arrivals to Europe 2015. In Lähdesmäki, T., Koskinen-Koivisto, E. &. Čeginskas, V.L.A. (eds), Challenges and Solutions in Ethnographic Research: Ethnography with a Twist. Routledge, London, pp. 117-130. DOI.

Sandberg, M. and Andersen, D.J. 2020: Precarious Citizenship and Melancholic Longing: On the Value of Volunteering after the Refugee Arrivals to Europe 2015. In Nordic Journal of Migration Research, 10(4), pp.41–56. DOI.

Sandberg, M. and Andersen, D.J., 2020: Europe Trouble: Welcome Culture and the Disruption of the European Border Regime. In Nordic Journal of Migration Research, 10(4), pp.1–9. DOI.

Turner, S. & Berckmoes, L.H. 2020: Reticent Digital Diasporas in Times of Crisis: The Shifting Emotion Work of the Burundian Diaspora. In African Diaspora vol 12 (1-2). pp. 1-26. DOI.

Turner, S. 2020: “Right Now, I Don’t Know What the Future Might Bring” Hope, Anxiety, and Despair in the Burundian Crisis. In Grant, A & Pringle, Y (eds), Anxiety in and about Africa: Multidisciplinary Perspectives and Approaches. Ohio University Press. 195-217.

Turner, S. 2020: Violence, displacement and the in/visibility of bodies, papers and images in Burundi. In Bjarnesen, J & Turner, S (eds) Invisibility in African displacements: From structural marginalization to strategies of avoidance. Zed Books. 178-197.

Turner, S. 2020: Hope against Hope: Changing Emotions in the Burundian Crisis. In Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, vol. 26, no. 4. 715-732. DOI.

Wajsberg, M. 2020: “I am not moving life, but life moves me.” Experiences of intra-EU im/mobility among West African migrants. In N. Salazar, J. Wets, & F. Seiger (Eds.), Migration at work: Opportunities, Imaginaries & Structures of Mobility. Leuven: KU Leuven University Press.

Wajsberg, M. 2020: Following Fatigue, Feeling Fatigue: A Reflexive Ethnography of Emotion. Social Inclusion, 8(4). doi: 

Whyte, Z. & Ulfstjerne, M.A. 2020: Flexible Shelters, Modular Meanings: The Lives and Afterlives of Danish ‘Refugee Villages’. In T Scott-Smith & ME Breeze (eds), Structures of protection? Rethinking refugee shelter. Berghahn Books, Oxford.

Whyte, Z. 2020: Automation, Biocrats, and Imaginaries in Biometric Border Worlds: A Commentary. In Ethnos (2020). Journal of Anthropology. 1-9. DOI.


Andersen, D.J, Aparna, K & Sandberg, M: Mellemværende: Solidaritetsarbejdet skæringspunkter i frivillig flygtningehjælp. I: Social Kritik: Tidsskrift for social analyse & debat, 31, 157, s. 4-10

Eule, T., Borrelli, L.M, Lindberg, A. & Wyss, A. 2019: Migrants before the Law: Contested Migration Control in Europe. London and Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Jefferson, A., Turner, S. & Jensen, S. 2019: Introduction: On Stuckness and Sites of Confinement. In Ethnos (84, 1): p. 1-13.

Kohl, K.S., Whyte, Z., Jakobsen, C. O. &Turner, S. 2019: I Danmark kommer mange flygtninge aldrig ud af lejren – det er skadeligt for både mennesker og samfundsøkonomi. Berlingske Tidende 5. august 2019.

Ledstrup, M. 2019: In-between Machines: The Global, Local, and Automobile Subjectivity Formation. In Modern Subjectivities in World Society. Jung, D. & Stetter, S. (Eds.): p. 193-210. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Ledstrup, M. 2019: Nationalism and Nationhood in the United Arab Emirates. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Lindberg, A. & Borrelli, L. M. 2019: All Quiet on the ‘Eastern Front’? Controlling Transit Migration in Latvia and Lithuania. In Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (45, 17): p. 1–17.

Lindberg, A. & Borrelli, L. M. 2019: Let the Right One in? On European Migration Authorities’ Resistance to Research. In Social Anthropology (27, 1): p. 17–32.

Mollerup, N. G. 2019: Tents, Tweets, and Television: Communicative Ecologies and the No to Military Trials for Civilians Grassroots Campaign in Revolutionary Egypt. In Intercultural Communication, Identity, and Social Movements in the Digital Age. D’Silva, M. & Atay, A. (Eds.): p. 103-120. New York: Routledge.

Sandberg, M. 2019: Book review. Languages and Silences in the German-Polish Borderland by Vann, Elizabeth R. In American Anthropologist (121, 4): p. 959-960.

Suárez-Krabbe, J. & Lindberg, A. 2019: Enforcing Apartheid?: The Politics of “Intolerability” in the Danish Migration and Integration Regimes. In Migration and Society (2, 1): p. 90–97.

Turner, S. & Jensen, S. (Eds.) 2019: Stuckness and Sites of Confinement. In Ethnos (84, 1).

Turner, S. & Løvgren, R. 2019: Winning Life and the Discipline of Death at Iwawa Island. In Ethnos (84, 1): p. 27-40.

Whyte, Z. 2019: Keeping and Losing Faith in the Danish Asylum System. In Faith in the System: Religion in the (Danish) Asylum System. Petersen, M. J. & Jensen, S. B. (Red.): p. 97-104. Aalborg: Aalborg Universitetsforlag.

Whyte, Z., Larsen, B. R. & Olwig, K. F. 2019: New Neighbors in a Time of Change: Local Pragmatics and the Perception of Asylum Centers in rural Denmark. In Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (45, 11): p. 1953-1969. 


Borrelli, L. M. & Lindberg, A. 2018: The Creativity of Coping: Alternative Tales of Moral Dilemmas among European Migration Officials. In International Journal of Migration and Border Studies (4, 3): p. 163-178.

Danstrøm, M. S. & Whyte, Z. 2018: Narrating Asylum in Camp and at Court. In Asylum Determination in Europe: Ethnographic Perspectives. p. 175-194. Palgrave Macmillan.

Janeja, M.K. 2018: Ethnographies of Waiting: Doubt, Hope & Uncertainty. Janeja, M.K. & Bandak, A. (Eds.). London, New York: Bloomsbury.

Ledstrup, M. 2018: Everyday Nationhood and Interaction in the Emirate of Ras Al Khaimah. In Journal of Arabian Studies (7, 2): p. 179-194.

Ledstrup, M. & Larsen, M. 2018: From Refugee to Employee: Work Integration in Rural Denmark. In Forced Migration Review (58): p. 14-16.

Ledstrup, M. 2018: Parentesen om det højrereaktionære: Affolkningen møder flygtningestrømmen i det prekære liv. In Kultur og Klasse (46, 126): p. 89-108.

Mollerup, N.G. & Mortensen, M. 2018: Proximity and Distance in the Mediation of Suffering: Local Photographers in War-torn Aleppo and the International Media Circuit. In Journalism (1, 1): p. 1-17. Sage Publications.

Suárez-Krabbe, J., Arce, J. & Lindberg, A. 2018: Stop Killing Us Slowly: A research Report on the Motivation Enhancement Measures and Criminalization of Rejected Asylum Seekers in Denmark. Roskilde University.

Sandberg, M. 2018: ‘Dearest Little Wife’: The Gender Work of Polish Transnational Families in Past and Present. In Glick Schiller, N. & Frykman, M.P. (eds.): Special Issue: Nordic Journal of Migration Research (8, 4).: p. 221-228.

Sandberg, M. 2018: Moving the Border. The Everyday Border Work In/Of the European Border Regime. In Jahrbuch für Europäische Ethnologie. Alzheimer, H. (Ed.): p. 49-58. Schöningh Verlag.

Sandberg, M. & Riegels Melchior, M. 2018: ’EUROP’ House of European History: Mellem paneuropæisk og postnational erindringspraksis. In Kulturstudier (8, 1): p. 140-166.

Sandberg, M. & Riegels Melchior, M. 2018: House of European History genfortæller Europas historie. Men hvilken, og hvorfor er den problematisk? In Tidskriften Laboratorium för folk och kultur (2).

Turner, S. 2018: The Social Construction of Diasporas: Conceptual Development and the Rwandan Case. In Routledge Handbook of Diaspora Studies. Cohen, R. & Fischer, C. (Eds.). Routledge (Routledge International Handbooks).

Whyte, Z., Cambell, R. & Overgaard, H. 2018: Paradoxical Infrastructure of Asylum: Notes on the Rise and fall of Tent Camps in Denmark. In Migration Studies.

Whyte, Z., Larsen, B. R. & Schaldemose, M. 2018: How Grocers in Denmark Became the Key to Refugee Integration: Rural Stores in Denmark contain vital Lessons for making Asylum Centers work. In Refugees Deeply: In-depth Coverage of the Global Refugee Crisis. 26. June 2018.

Whyte, Z., Larsen, B. R., & Schaldemose, M. 2018: The Role of Rural Grocery Stores in Refugee Reception. In Forced Migration Review (English Edition) (58): p. 24-25. 20. June 2018.


Jespersen, A.P., Sandberg, M. & Mellemgaard, S. 2017: Kulturanalyse som refleksiv praksis. In Kultur som praksis: Etnologiske perspektiver på individualitet og fællesskab, kultur og historie. Christensen, S., Jespersen, AP., Mellemgaard, S. & Sandberg, M. (Red.): p. 141-184. Hans Reitzels Forlag.

Lindberg, A., Meret, S., Arce, J. & Jørgensen, M.B. 2017: Reclaiming the Right to Life: Hunger Strikes and Protests in Denmark’s Deportation Centers. In OpenDemocracy. 

Pelckmans, L. 2017: Surnames as a Passport to Social Mobility? Renaming Practices of Fulɓe Slave Descendants in Central Mali. In African Slaves, African Masters: Politics, Memories, Social Life. A. Bellagamba, C. Brown, S. Greene, M. Klein (Eds.): p. 255-286. Trenton: Africa World Press.

Sandberg, M., Christensen, S. & Jespersen A.P. 2017: Fællesskaber i kulturvidenskabeligt perspektiv. In Kultur som praksis: Etnologiske perspektiver på individualitet og fællesskab, kultur og historie. Christensen, S., Jespersen, AP., S. Mellemgaard & M. Sandberg (Red.): p. 67-102 København: Hans Reitzels Forlag.

Sandberg, M. & Jespersen, A.P. 2017: Indledning. Kultur som praksis. In Kultur som praksis: Etnologiske perspektiver på individualitet og fællesskab, kultur og historie. Christensen, S., Jespersen, AP., Mellemgaard, S. & Sandberg, M. (Red.): p. 7-21. Hans Reitzels Forlag.

Sandberg, M. & Christensen, S. 2017: Subjektivering og identitet. In Kultur som praksis: Etnologiske perspektiver på individualitet og fællesskab, kultur og historie. Christensen, S., Jespersen, AP., Mellemgaard, S. & Sandberg, M. (Red.): p. 103-140. København: Hans Reitzels Forlag.

Sandberg, M. & Scheer, M. 2017: 50 Years of Ethnologia Europaea. Readers’ Choices from Half a Century. In Editorial, Ethnologia Europaea. Journal of European Ethnology (47, 1): p. 5-6.

Turner, S. 2017: Victims of Chaos and Subaltern Sexualities? Some Reflections on Common Assumptions about Displacement and the Prevalence of Sexual and Gender-based Violence. In Gender, Violence and Refugee Communities. Krause, U. & Buckley-Zistel, S. (Eds.): p. 44-57. Oxford, New York, Berghahn.

Whyte, Z. 2017: Meetings of the Art: Cultural Encounters and Contact Zones in an Art Project for Asylum-seeking Minors in Denmark. In Journal of Intercultural Studies (38): p. 679-693.

Whyte, Z. & Brinkmann, T. 2017: Netværksforeningerne – Evalueringsrapport.

Whyte, Z., Ulfstjerne, M. A., Qvist, T., Lobos, J., Di Marco, M., Melson, J. K., Jensen, N. L. & Siggard., R. 2017: Nye byggesten i byfornyelsen. Helhedsorienteret husning og integration af flygtninge i funktionstømte bygninger.


Janeja, M.K. 2016: Anxious Hearths and Risky Meals: Re-imagining Domesticity in an Asian Worlding City. In Everyday Life-worlds: Dilemmas, Contestations & Negotiations. Ray, P. & Ghosh, N. (Eds.) New Delhi: Primus.

Janeja, M.K. 2016: Rethinking Street Foods: Street Food Hospitality in Contemporary Calcutta. In Food Hawkers: Selling in the Street from Antiquity to the Present. Calaresu, M. & van den Heuvel, D. (Eds.) London: Taylor & Francis.

Kohl, K.S. 2016: ”Asylsystemet kæmper mod sig selv”. Altingets forskningsformidling:, 30. marts, 2016.

Larsen, B. R. & Whyte, Z. 2016: Gæster i kommunen: Et indblik I udviklingen, livet og hverdagen på de kommunale asylcentre. In Jordens Folk (1, 2): p. 82-85.

Pelckmans, L. 2016: River Nomads. Co-produced with Eric Hahonou.

Sandberg, M. 2016: Restructuring Locality: Practice, Identity and Place-making on the German-Polish border. In Identities - Global Studies in Culture and Power (Special Issue). Glick Schiller, N. & Schmidt, G. (23, 1): p. 66-83.

Turner, S. 2016: Staying out of Place: The Being and Becoming of Burundian Refugees in the Camp and the City. In Conflict and Society (2, 1): p. 37-51.

Turner, S. 2016: What is a Refugee Camp? Explorations of the Limits and Effects of the Camp. In Journal of Refugee Studies (29, 2): p. 139-148.

Whyte, Z. 2016: ”Vi øver os bare”: Kompetenceudvikling og integration blandt flygtninge på en dansk sprogskole. In Tidsskriftet Antropologi (72): p. 113-119.


Andersen, D. J., Kramsch, O. T. & Sandberg, M. 2015: Inverting the Telescope on Borders that Matter: Conversations in Café Europa. In Journal of Contemporary European Studies (23, 4) p. 459-476.

Cold-Ravnkilde, S.M., Pelckmans, L. & M. Crone. 2015: Al Qaeda Affiliates - not Islamic State - Behind Bamako Hotel Attack: Both Local Conflicts and Global Competition between Al Qaeda and Islamic State Undermine Security in Mali. In DIIS Comment.

Cold-Ravnkilde, S.M. and L. Pelckmans. 2015: Peace in Mali Requires a more Comprehensive Approach. In DIIS Impact Paper.

Kohl, K. S. 2015: Asylaktivering og Ambivalens: Forvaltningen af asylansøgere på asylcentre. Ph.d.-afhandling. København: Sociologisk Institut, Københavns Universitet.

Kohl, K.S. 2015: ”Asylsystemet er fuldt af forhindringer”. Dagbladet Politiken, 14. december, 2015.

Kohl, K. S. 2015: The Tough and the Brittle: Calculating and managing the risk of refugees. In The Danish Welfare State: A Sociological Investigation. Bengtsson, T.T., Frederiksen, M. & Larsen, J.E. (Eds.). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Larsen, B. R. & Whyte, Z. 2015: “Nu hvor de alligevel er her”: Asylcentre og lokalsamfund., 25. juni 2015.

Larsen, B. R., Whyte, Z. & Olwig, K. F. 2015: Den nye landbefolkning: Asylcentrets betydning og konsekvens for lokale fællesskaber I danske landdistrikter. København: Institut for Antropologi, Københavns Universitet.

Pelckmans, L., Sangare B. and M.E. de Bruijn. 2015: Communicating war in Mali, 2012: On-Offline Networked Political Agency in Times of Conflict. In Journal of African Media Studies (7, 2): p. 109-128.

Pelckmans, L. 2015: Fragmentation of (In-)Security Actors in Mali: The case of Douentza. In Protection and (in)security beyond the State: Insights from Eastern Africa and Sahel. Hoffman, K & Wiuff, L.M. (Eds.). DIIS Report.

Pelckmans, L. & C. Hardung (Eds.) 2015: Post-esclavage et Mobilisations”. In Special Issue Politique Africaine (140, 4): p. 5-22.

Pelckmans, L. 2015: Stereotypes of Slavery and ‘Stereostyles’ in Post-Slavery: A Multidimensional, Interactionist Perspective on Contemporary Hierarchies. In International Journal of African Historical Studies (48, 2): p. 381-401.

Sandberg, M & Pijpers, R. 2015: Doing Borderwork in Workplaces: Circular Migration from Poland to Denmark and the Netherlands. In Mobility and Migration Choices: Thresholds to Crossing Borders. van der Velde, M. & van Naerssen, T. (Eds.): p. 185-198. Surrey: Ashgate (Border Regions Series).

Turner, Simon. 2015: Victims, Saviors and Suspects: Channeling Mobility in Post-Genocide Rwanda. In Mobility Makes States: Migration and Power in Africa. Quirk, J. & Vigneswaran, D. (Eds.): p. 79-103. University of Pennsylvania Press.

 Turner, Simon. 2015: ‘We Wait for Miracles’: Ideas of Hope and Future Among Clandestine Burundian Refugees in Nairobi. In Ethnographies of Uncertainty in Africa. Pratten, D. & Cooper, E. (Eds.): p. 173-192. Palgrave Macmillan.

Whyte, Z. 2015: “They will think I have gone to the moon”: A Report on Traveling with Art, a Project for Asylum-seeking Minors at the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art.


Janeja, M.K. 2014: Hunger Matters: Some Preliminary Notes. In Anthropology News (54, 12): p. 1-3.

Janeja, M.K. et. al. 2014: Imagining Bangladesh: Contested Narratives. Special Issue of the Joint Series of the European Association for South Asian Studies (EASAS) and South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal (SAMAJ) (9).

 Nielsen, N.J. & M. Sandberg 2014: Between Social Dumping and Social Protection. The Challenge of Creating ‘Orderly Working Conditions' among Polish Circular Migrants in the Copenhagen area, Denmark. In Ethnologia Europaea: Journal for European Ethnology (44, 1): p. 23-37.

Sandberg, M. 2014: Ethnologia Europaea Revisited: Launching Future Ethnologies. In Ethnologia Europaea. Journal of European Ethnology (44, 2): p. 5-16.

Sandberg, M. 2014: Book Review: Nordic Seniors on the Move. Mobility and Migration in Later Life by Anne Leonora Blaakilde and Gabriella Nilsson (Eds). In International Journal for Migration and Border Studies (1, 2): p. 247-251. Lund University: The Department of Studies in Arts and Cultural Studies.

Whyte, Z. 2014: In doubt: Documents as Fetishes in the Danish Asylum System. In Of Doubt and Proof: Ritual and Legal Practices of Judgements. Berty, D., Good, A. & Tarabout, G. (Red.): p. 141-162. London: Ashgate.

Whyte, Z. 2014: Integration på dansk: Statslige tilknytninger, sociale netværk og mobilitet blandt flygtninge på danske sprogskoler. In Mobilitet og tilknytning: Migrantliv i et globaliseret Danmark. Olwig, K. & Valentin, K. (Red.). Aarhus Universitetsforlag.


Hirslund, D. V. & Whyte, Z. 2013: Assisted Return of Rejected Asylum Seekers: How can we create Sustainability? Institut for Internationale Studier. Dansk Center for Internationale Studier og Menneskerettigheder.

Hirslund, D. V. & Whyte, Z. 2013: International Experiences with the Sustainable Assisted Return of Rejected Asylum Seekers. In DIIS Report (13). Institut for Internationale Studier. Dansk Center for Internationale Studier og Menneskerettigheder.

Kohl, K. S. 2013: ”Skrot vores udvælgelse af kvoteflygtninge: Drop kontrolfantasierne og lad UNHCR beslutte, hvem der skal til Danmark som kvoteflygtninge”. Dagbladet Politiken, 5. november 2013.

Pelckmans, L. 2013: Memoryscapes of Slavery? Dependent Mobility by 'Related' Domestic Workers in Fulbe Elite Families in Mali. In Slavery, Migration and Contemporary Bondage in Africa. Quirk, J. & D. Vigneswaran (Eds.) p. 149-180, Trenton: Africa World Press.

Pelckmans, L. 2013: Moving Memories of Slavery among West African Migrants in Urban Contexts (Bamako, Paris). In European Journal of International Migration (29, 1): p. 45-68.

Pelckmans, L. et al. 2013: One Hippopotamus and Eight Blind Analysts: A Multivocal Analysis of the Current Political Crisis in the Divided Republic of Mali. In Review of African Political Economy. Lecocq B. and G. Mann (Eds.) (137): p. 343-357.

Pelckmans, L. 2013: “To Cut the Rope from One’s Neck?” Manumission Documents of Slave Descendants from Central Malian Fulɓe Society. In The Bitter Legacy: African Slavery Past and Present, M. Klein, A. Bellagamba, C. Brown & S. Green (Eds.): p. 67-86. Princeton, NJ: Marcus Wiener Publishers.